--- Comment #7 from Michael Fox <> ---
It's not even the same feature with a different name. If it was i wouldn't be
so damn annoyed like half of your userbase. Your like the pot calling the
kettle (in this case the kettle is activities and VD) black. When they aren't
even 2 sides of the same coin at all.

If you want something that is literally the same feature with a different name
refer to

I mean come on now thats just rediculous.

I could see if you had merged activities and VD into one thing but you didn't. 
Also what makes activities annoying is the fact that activities is actually
harder to use than VD's it's less user freindly. Merging VD into activites (in
the right way) would have greatly reduced the annoyance of your userbase.
Instead you decided to completely remove a few features from VD that almoust
everyone uses, when it would have been smarter to just merge activites and VD
(if you actually beleive that its the "same feature with a different name").
Almoust all of your userbase has completely and utterly bashed and destroyed
KDE5 all over the internet and yet you still say "its the same feature so we
wont fix it".
If its the same feature then there is ABSOLUTELY no reason for there to be
Activities and VD as both do "some" of what a virtual desktop does, so they
might as well be merged and called VD.

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