--- Comment #4 from Edward Donovan <> ---
Ok, I'm trying to learn more about this program; I see that 3.0 is out. My
crash occurred under 2.2.1 on fedora.  I don't have a KDE neon installation,
but I'm hoping to, soon.  When I can, I'll test under 3.0, if still needed.

Here are the fstab files before and after partitionmanager altered the file. 
They seem simple enough to paste rather than attach, but I have to note that in
the "before" version, the first line was blank.  I haven't done the testing yet
to see if that makes a difference.

# /etc/fstab
# Created by anaconda on Thu Feb 16 23:54:23 2017
# Accessible filesystems, by reference, are maintained under '/dev/disk'
# See man pages fstab(5), findfs(8), mount(8) and/or blkid(8) for more info
UUID=aca13ca8-0061-455f-982e-e35c3e072f7b /                       btrfs  
subvol=root,noatime           0 0
UUID=cd538f0b-aa1d-461e-83fe-33d775f5eb24 /boot                   ext4   
defaults,noatime              1 2
UUID=aca13ca8-0061-455f-982e-e35c3e072f7b /home                   btrfs  
subvol=home,noatime           0 0
UUID=0c29ed65-c366-4798-8137-299f33a0c840 swap                    swap   
defaults                      0 0

UUID=cd538f0b-aa1d-461e-83fe-33d775f5eb24       /boot   ext4    defaults       
1       2
UUID=aca13ca8-0061-455f-982e-e35c3e072f7b       /home   btrfs   subvol=home    
0       0
UUID=0c29ed65-c366-4798-8137-299f33a0c840       swap    swap    defaults       
0       0
/dev/sdb1       /mnt    xfs     noatime,nodiratime      0       0

Ideally I would like to retain the comments, as well.  

Hopefully I can add more later -- thank you.

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