--- Comment #69 from ---
The crash is caused by this code around

if( !index.isValid() || !parent( index ).isValid() )
  [...] static_cast<MusicBrainzTagsItem *>(
index.internalPointer())->childCount() [...]

ie the internal pointer of an invalid item is dereferenced. Checking that the
pointer in not null before using it makes the crash go away:

if( !index.isValid() || !parent( index ).isValid() )
    // Disable items with no children.
    MusicBrainzTagsItem *item = static_cast<MusicBrainzTagsItem *>(
index.internalPointer() );
    if ( !item || item->childCount() == 0 )
        return QAbstractItemModel::flags( index ) ^ Qt::ItemIsEnabled;

When the crash is gone, empty rows show up in the track list. The corresponding
QModelIndex are invalid, and I think these are the ones created in
MusicBrainzTagsModel::index when childItem is null. This should not happen,
because in principle row < parentItem->childCount(), but sometimes it's not the

I suspect the check for !parent.isValid() in MusicBrainzTagsModel::rowCount may
be the root cause of everything, but I was unable to understand how to fix the

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