--- Comment #13 from Hugo Pereira Da Costa <> ---
> Today I noticed that even after you do File > Close, then 
>  try to create another new blank form, wham - it's frozen too! 
> As if the freeze 'carried over' to the next form or something,
>  having 'infected' Qt5Designer until restarted.
> I did not want to bombard with too much info at first,
>  just something clearly demonstrate-able.
> But what is not so easily shown is that these problems 
>  are also occurring on calls to qApp->setStyle().
> The freeze can occur when a new MDI sub window is created.
> The sub windows can freeze simply by maximizing or
>  minimizing or restoring them, no joke.
> That's /without/ stylesheets.

I cannot reproduce that part.
from oxygen-demo5 (that you can get by manually compiling oxygen code, or
possibly there is even a package for it somewhere), I am unable to make the mdi
Also not that in Qt Designer, the main view (in which newly created
widgets/window forms appear), is a QMDI (and mdi subwindows). As far as I know,
these do not freeze (unless you start adding mdi in the inside subwindows).

Or do I miss something ? 

Reason why the full window (and newly created forms) freeze after the first mdi
freezes, it is a consequence from the fact that the main view is also mdi. It
gets screwed at the same time the inner mdi is. 

... still investigated.
But if you could have either code snipset/example application/ui file that
demonstrate that MDI freezes without stylesheet, that would also help.


> But as we see, stylesheets also make it worse.
> I was really surprised to see the stylesheet freeze on openSuSE.
> I was looking more for the style issues.
> To me, it's clear the style and stylesheet problems are related.
> Breeze and Oxygen sure don't seem to like MDI.
> I've been tracking this bug for a while...
> I found an awkward workaround. It mostly works, but not always.
> I found that calling qApp->setStyle() TWICE makes it work.
> setStyle() has a sort of toggling on/off effect on freeze.
> But due to the differences in distros, it's not consistent.
> Hope I can further assist in squashing this. T.

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