--- Comment #3 from Manvydas Šliamka <> ---
I'm really sorry for not replying sooner, but the defense of my Master's thesis
is soon and I just do not have the time to experiment with KDevelop

First of all - tabs. I usually have 6-8 tabs open. Sometimes more, sometimes
less, but it does not seem to influence memory consumption all that much.

Next, I ran KDevelop with heaptrack in terminal, using:
heaptrack ./KDevelop.AppImage

I'm attaching the results file. Unfortunately, I'm not sure if it's complete or
not because I had to kill KDevelop. The moment I noticed the system slowing
down, I hit the close button on the KDevelop window. It closed and the memory
use stopped increasing. However, the kdevelop process remained alive, maxing
out a single CPU core. I waited for around 20 minutes, hoping for it to finish,
but it did not and I had to kill it. That's when heaptrack finished as well and
produced the heaptrack.KDevelop.AppImage.5390.gz that I'm attaching.

Admittedly, I forgot to do this:
gdb --pid $(pidof kdevelop)
(gdb) call KDevelop::DUChain::self()->storeToDisk()

I'll do it once I have more free time on my hands.

I've also noticed that the terminal that I used to start KDevelop was fillied
with hundreds of these messages: Broken text-document: 

Plenty of these messages were in the terminal as well:

kdevelop.plugins.clang: Something went wrong during 'clang_codeCompleteAt' for
libclang: crash detected in code completion

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