--- Comment #8 from ---
Sam, you are raising good concerns with my proposed design: the cross-out
metaphor has the inverted meaning for the lock compared to the other icons, and
crossing an open padlock does invert its meaning.

I thought some time about your proposed filled/unfilled idea. Unfortunately, to
me the property of filled is simply an artistic element, but not a functional
one. To me, a filled lock doesn't convey a meaning different from an unfilled
one, except that these lock bodies seemed to be made from different materials,
a light as well as a dark one.

What we are braining around is the general lock icon metaphor: a small
difference conveys meaning; an open arc versus a closed arc. To me, this seems
the main problem. Maybe we can find a more creative solution that gets us
around the arc state and body fill problems? Let's keep searching for a better
solution, what do you think?

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