--- Comment #9 from Mark <> ---
(In reply to Nate Graham from comment #8)
> Can anyone explain the actual negative impact for an average user (not
> someone who has 500,000 empty files in a folder) that comes from storing
> .directory files inside their folders? Windows and macOS both use
> per-directory settings files like these and it hasn't caused the end of the
> world there.

Guess i don't have to respond ;) (will do so anyhow)

Yes, it's not the end of the world.
Yes, it works just fine for the average user as is.

500.000 files is obviously a benchmark scenario, but it "points" as a possible
issue. You can have two real fixes here.

1. Re-evaluate KDirLister (i don't know if it got smarter over the last 4
years, therefore look at it again) to not update the folder when the only
change that caused the folder to be dirty is caused by updating the hidden
config file. I'm not sure anymore why KDirWatch merely emitted a dirty signal..
inotify (the backend on linux) does show which files got changed so it should
be possible to monitor for just the changes and ignore the said case.

2. Move the per directory config out of the directory and into either some
"shadow" folder (same hiƫrarchie, just under a different path), or follow the
same principle as is done right now when making thumbnails (md5 the full path +

Point 1 is probably the most desirable fix, but could be tricky to get right.

Is anything needed at all? Nope. It's merely a "would be nice to have" request.

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