--- Comment #2 from ---
My valgrind version is 3.11

This is all what I see when launching valgrind memmcheck, or what do you call
the "tool view"?

/home/max/Projects/Test_projects/testcpp> /usr/bin/valgrind --tool=memcheck
--xml=yes --xml-socket= --num-callers=12
--max-stackframe=2000000 --error-limit=yes --leak-resolution=high
'--show-leak-kinds=&possible' '--leak-check-heuristics=&none'
--keep-stacktraces=alloc-and-free --freelist-vol=20000000
--freelist-big-blocks=1000000 --undef-value-errors=yes
--show-mismatched-frees=yes --partial-loads-ok=yes --track-origins=yes
--expensive-definedness-checks=no /usr/bin/plasmoidviewer -a .
valgrind: Bad option: --show-leak-kinds=&possible
valgrind: &possible is an invalid show-leak-kinds set
valgrind: Use --help for more information or consult the user manual.

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