--- Comment #9 from alberto <> ---
Another easy fixes

Auto select text field in title template dialog and a way to accept without
leaving the keyboard

The idea is to shortcut to enter template (Im using ctrl + t), enter text,
shorcut to accept

Many programs allow to enter new line by using ctrl + enter and enter to
accept. Just an idea. It will probably need some label field in the dialog
explaining it so is not too obscure

alt + o to accept doesnt work either when you are entering text probably
because the text field is grabbing all input

And lastly, having a checkbox saying to auto enter the text in the current
timeline position would be just heavenly :)

The flow to enter text in a video without using the mouse would be almost
completed :)

I can think of a few more fixes like auto adjust title time to the track if
theres a constrain of time in the track. Titles doesnt have a inherent
duration, doesnt make sense not to add it because the default time doesnt fit.
If the constrain is shorter than the default, it should just get smaller.

This last one maybe is a little more complicated. What do you do when you
change the duration of the template? Do you change the ones in the tracks too?
Id say only on those that you didnt change manually, but maybe it requires some
extra thought and some special hints on the create title dialog and the one
entered so you visually know for sure what is manually changed and whats not
and you dont have to guess/remember :)

Thanks for all the effort put into kdenlive!

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