--- Comment #1 from Milian Wolff <> ---
Thanks for creating this report so we can track this properly.

Some notes:

- kdev should only watch directories, CMakeLists.txt files and open files for
- the CMakeLists.txt used to be required, now that we use the cmake server it
may not be required anymore, we'll have to check that again.
- so if you say all files are watched then this needs to be fixed - it
shouldn't be the case

- if using QFSWatch shows hotspots in memory allocation and string comparison,
then those should be fixed in QFileSystemWatcher upstream. Writing a separate
benchmark (standalone from kdevelop) for that purpose would help a lot. I
imagine KDirWatch would contain a benchmark, if not, then one should be added
that resembles the workload you are seeing. Similarly, such a benchmark would
be helpful upstream in Qt itself

So I think a) is the actual bug you have uncovered and that needs to be fixed.
b) can then also be done on top of that, to improve the situation even further

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