--- Comment #21 from FabiB <> ---
At first, keep calm... There is no need to talk this way because it will not
change anything.

(In reply to shevegen from comment #20)
> Then I try to open it and kate REFUSES to obey, boring me with an
> extremely irrelevant message aka 
> "Executing Kate as root is not possible. To edit files as root use:
> SUDO_EDITOR=kate sudoedit <file>"

It's true. This message is of no use anymore. Just start kate, edit you files.
It will ask for the Password by itself if you try to save. No sudo/kdesu/gksu
required. But Frameworks 5.34 or newer (I think it was)
> Now this is interesting.
> Firstly, I have to say that I tried the above AND IT DOES NOT WORK,
> so great job by those KDE devs who changed behaviour and did not
> provide a work around.
It was a working workaround and it was there for a good reason.

> Yes, I know a "work around" - I can change permission as superuser
> anyway, edit it with kate, then change the permission again. I can
> also use other editors too. I have tons of workaround BUT THE ISSUE
You can also just start kate, edit you files. It will ask for the Password by
itself if you try to save.

> So firstly, please fire that dude. Second, please stop dumbing down
> KDE everywhere. There is absolutely nothing wrong with the superuser
> account.
Everythings wrong with the sudo "account" but even if not. Sudo(and alike) will
NOT work on wayland. So There was, even for the "I dont care about
security"-party, a reason that this change was made.

> I am aware that you transitioned into a "we work for average
> joe - and for red hat" but you used to be cool in the past, so what
> happened with KDE?

KDE is still independent, but they need to work on real-world applications, so
in order to make software compatible to future beheviors (like that
No-sudo-on-wayland stuff), users need to learn it too...

> There is some propaganda here:
And just a few comments above is the solution... Just dont use sudo anymore for
kate. we have polkit integration now.

> None of this applies or is relevant but the problem is that some random
> dude dictated onto everyone else. BAD decision.
> This Martin dude does not run software on MY machine. Why can he decide
> how I should run it?
Because opensource is no democracy. It's made by people for themself. Of course
you can ask for new features and many devs are nice persons who respect other
needs (just like Martin with this change).
> I can probably find the faulty code and remove it but that means I have
> to invest time... which Martin doesn't pay me for.
or you just invest time and read the full bugreport, so that you know that
polkit is now used and kate will ask for you password if you want to save a
root owned file. :D (in case you have a new-enough framework5 release)

> I have to find out if he works for Red Hat
If nothing has changed, he works for BlueSystems - a 100% KDE supporter
And there is nothing wrong with working for RedHat. (except for the KDE Plasma
respin of fedora, that one really sucks :P *hides*) People at Red Hat are just
normal guys who do some work and share it with everyone for free and thats
something so damn good, I hope they will keep this path forever.

>, then this explains why he
> crippled kate. 
It's because of security reasons... BTW not only in kate, but also dolphin. And
i Hope all the others will follow.

> It's not a big deal anyway since other editors will work
> fine or I can find thousand other ways to modify text files, including
> via scripts - but seriously KDE people, what happened to you?
They dont try to stand still and implement new features that are required for
the future.
> Did Microsoft buy you in? KDE Plasma looks like a Win10 clone.
Or is it Windows 10 that looks like KDE Plasma ;)?
> You used to be cool.

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