--- Comment #5 from Marcus Gama <> ---
This is my components info (in Portuguese):

digikam version 5.7.0
CPU cores: 8
Eigen: 3.2.9
Exiv2: 0.26
Exiv2 can write to Jp2: Sim
Exiv2 can write to Jpeg: Sim
Exiv2 can write to Pgf: Sim
Exiv2 can write to Png: Sim
Exiv2 can write to Tiff: Sim
Exiv2 supports XMP metadata: Sim
KF5: 5.32.0
LensFun: 0.3.2-0
LibCImg: 130
LibJPEG: 80
LibJasper: 1.900.14
LibLCMS: 2080
LibLqr support: Sim
LibPGF: 7.15.32
LibPNG: 1.6.8
LibRaw: 0.18.2
LibTIFF: 4.0.8
Marble: 0.27.1
Parallelized demosaicing: Sim
Qt: 5.10.0
Infraestrutura do banco de dados: QSQLITE
LibGphoto2: 2.5.13
LibKipi: 5.2.0
LibOpenCV: 3.3.1
LibQtAV: 1.12.0
Plugins do Kipi: 5.7.0
Suporte ao AkonadiContact: Sim
Suporte ao Baloo: Sim
Suporte ao calendário: sim
Suporte para galerias HTML: sim
Suporte para leitores multimédia: Sim
Suporte para o D-Bus: Sim
Suporte à panorâmica: sim

I'm not sure if this issue can be result of the other repository mentioned
This repository installed the latest Kde applications (17.12).

The Marble works fine (stand alone at least). I already tried to remove the
digikamrc but the crash persists.

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