--- Comment #13 from Massimo Callegari <> ---
First and foremost, @Jaime Torres: thanks a lot for looking into this !

> @Massimo: It would be nice as feedback, if the upcoming KDE Frameworks v5.43
> fixes this for you - just to be sure your problem is truly fixed :-)

Will surely do.

I tried to avoid flaming this thread, but now I'd like to clarify my comment
I never asked for a fix in 3 months. I am a (Qt) developer too and I know how
this works.
However, as a developer I try to quickly identify the real issues from the fake
ones. In a few days/weeks I try at least to reproduce the issue and give it a
This way I know where I have to concentrate my efforts. Moreover if I'm working
on something, I tend to forget everything else, so "marking" an issue with a
priority helps my memory months later.

What I complained about is that in 3 months no one changed the status of this
issue to 'confirmed', meaning (to me) no one tried to reproduce it.
This is the best way to loose an issue report that can help KDE to get better
among other 27000+.

And because of this, I found Nate's comment quite ridiculous:
> There are currently 27,062 open bugs across all of KDE[1]. This seems like an 
> important one, to be sure, but it competes with 27,061 others.

This means there is no priority assignment and all those 27062 bugs have the
same weight.

As for me fixing the way !
I already contributed to KDE many years ago (Kate's Symbol Viewer plugin is
mine) and I know how difficult is even to prepare the KDE build environment.
Plus, I am already swamped with my project issues, and I believe I already did
my job -as user- by dedicating time to open this issue report as much
accurately as possible.

I am frustrated, yes, because I use KDE since 15 years and as a user it hurts
me to see how Plasma is still not in shape, even after a dozen of minors.
I see changelogs of new versions saying "new breeze theme, new panel design,
etc" and it makes me angry when I know there are core issues to be fixed first.

In conclusion, no harsh from my side. I know for sure there are excellent
developers behind KDE that dedicate an awful amount of their personal time to
this project.
I only wish there could be a better priority system in place.

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