--- Comment #8 from ---
The scan completed but no images appeared in the program. I closed and
restarted the program, then got the same error as in comment 2, but with
different debug output

[8240] digikam.widgets: Breeze icons ressource file found
[8240] digikam.general: AlbumWatch use QFileSystemWatcher
[8240] digikam.general: Database Parameters:
[8240]    Type:                     "QMYSQL"
[8240]    DB Core Name:             "digikam"
[8240]    DB Thumbs Name:           "digikam"
[8240]    DB Face Name:             "digikam"
[8240]    Connect Options:          ""
[8240]    Host Name:                "localhost"
[8240]    Host port:                3307
[8240]    Internal Server:          true
[8240]    Internal Server Path:     "E:/DigiDatabase"
[8240]    Internal Server Serv Cmd: "Z:/mariadb-10.2.12-winx64/bin/mysqld.exe"
[8240]    Internal Server Init Cmd:
[8240]    Username:                 "root"
[8240]    Password:                 ""
[8240] digikam.databaseserver: Database Parameters:
[8240]    Type:                     "QMYSQL"
[8240]    DB Core Name:             "digikam"
[8240]    DB Thumbs Name:           "digikam"
[8240]    DB Face Name:             "digikam"
[8240]    Connect Options:          ""
[8240]    Host Name:                "localhost"
[8240]    Host port:                3307
[8240]    Internal Server:          true
[8240]    Internal Server Path:     "E:/DigiDatabase"
[8240]    Internal Server Serv Cmd: "Z:/mariadb-10.2.12-winx64/bin/mysqld.exe"
[8240]    Internal Server Init Cmd:
[8240]    Username:                 "root"
[8240]    Password:                 ""
[8240] digikam.databaseserver: Internal Server data path:
[8240] digikam.databaseserver: The mysql configuration was already up-to-date:
"C:/Users/Adrian Hall/AppData/Local/digikam/mysql.conf"
[8240] digikam.databaseserver: Failed to open MySQL error log.
[8240] digikam.databaseserver: Database server:
"Z:/mariadb-10.2.12-winx64/bin/mysqld.exe" ("--defaults-file=C:\\Users\\Adrian
"--datadir=E:\\DigiDatabase\\.mysql.digikam\\db_data", "--skip-networking=0",
[8240] digikam.databaseserver: Internal database server started
[8240] digikam.databaseserver: Running 0 seconds...
[8240] digikam.dbengine: Loading SQL code from config file
[8240] digikam.dbengine: Checking XML version ID => expected:  3  found:  3
[8240] digikam.coredb: Core database: running schema update
[8240] digikam.coredb: Core database: have a structure version  8
[8240] digikam.coredb: Core database: makeUpdates  8  to  9
[8240] digikam.dbengine: Failure executing query:
[8240]  "" 
[8240] Error messages: "QMYSQL: Unable to execute query" "Can't create table
`digikam`.`#sql-1afc_13` (errno: 121 \"Duplicate key on write or update\")"
1005 2 
[8240] Bound values:  ()
[8240] digikam.dbengine: Error while executing DBAction [
"UpdateSchemaFromV7ToV9" ] Statement [ "ALTER TABLE Albums\n                   
                    ADD CONSTRAINT Albums_AlbumRoots FOREIGN KEY (albumRoot)
                         ADD UNIQUE (albumRoot, relativePath(255)),\n          
                             ENGINE InnoDB;" ]
[8240] digikam.coredb: Core database: schema update to V 9 failed!
[8240] digikam.coredb: Core database: cannot process schema initialization

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