--- Comment #4 from ---
Hi again,

I compiled kdeconnect with debug symbols, following the Arch Wiki, but, with no
 experience on this whatsoever, I'm not sure if I did it correctly.

My /etc/makepkg.conf has this line:
OPTIONS+=(!strip docs !libtool !staticlibs emptydirs zipman purge !optipng !upx

The PKGBUILD I used to compile kdeconnect has this line:
    -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo \

After compiling for a few minutes, I got a 45 MB *.pkg.tar (instead of the
typical ~500 KB for kdeconnect), which I installed.

I then run:
pkill kdeconnectd 
gdb /usr/lib/kdeconnectd
(gdb) run

After which the program works fine (clipboard, ping, some commands I added...). 

After some time I get the next message:
Thread 1 "kdeconnectd" received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.

However, neither "coredumpctl list" nor journalctl show anything. With previous
installs, using the packages from the offical repos and without using gdb,
there were messages about the segfault.
In any case, kdeconnect on laptop doesn't even show my phone, and the Android
app is still "connected" but clearly not working (no clipboard, commands don't

Back to gdb, I run:
set logging file trace.log
set logging on
thread apply all bt full [several Enters to show the whole thing]
set logging off
quit [confirm exit with Y]

I then open the settings on the laptop, refresh, and after a few seconds
everything works again.

Here is the commands I wrote and what the terminal showed:

And here is trace.log, which if I'm not mistaken is exactly the same:

Once it was running again, I re-run gdb again, but this time not with "run",
but with "start". It crashed after a few hours, but this time I did get a

Here is the output of journalctl:

Here is the result of coredumpctl:

Here is the trace.log I got from gdb, very short:

If I made any mistakes, please tell me and I'll try to fix it.

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