--- Comment #3 from ---
I think there's currently a small inconsistency in Digikam. You can currently
enable or disable the option to scan new folders on startup, but you cannot
disable the fact that elements from the database will be cleaned automatically
if they are not found anymore (well, at least in windows). I think an option to
only clean missing folders manually should also be on the settings or tools
menu, as there already is an option to scan new folders manually.

The Kodi media player works like this, by default it never scans or deletes
anything unless you explicitly tell it to do so, but you can also configure it
to scan and clean the database automatically on startup.

Picasa, on the other hand, adds and removes pictures automatically on the
background, all the time, and you cannot disable it, but if pictures are
located in a network share and it becomes unavailable, they are hidden in the
album list (but not removed from the db) and reappear immediately as the
network share becomes available again, without needing to re-scan folders. But
only for network shares, and it detects them automatically (but only in

I don't know what is the philosophy behind this project in this regard, but in
any case, Digikam shouldn't delete a few hundreds of GB of data without at
least some confirmation.

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