--- Comment #10 from Alexander Semke <> ---
(In reply to Matthew Trescott from comment #9)
> Fair enough, but that's still really unintuitive behavior.
Agree. But this is still more intuitive than in most other programs that
support multiple axes. You mentioned LoggerPro as an example for a software
with good UX. What is the workflow in this program to create plots like on the
screenshots in the following links?,2

> I'm not convinced that working with live data is really a focus because the
> XY plot looks like a piece of paper. I seriously think that if you gave up
> on making the XY plot have fixed range values, you would be able to avoid
> simplify this.
> Here's my envisionment of the workflow:
> 1. The user enters data into a Spreadsheet.
> 2. The user creates an XY plot which by default is an infinite,
> linearly-scaled plane, then tells LabPlot to plot the data from the
> spreadsheet. The user is able to pan, zoom, edit points, and group-select
> points to analyze. Axes would have infinite ranges and number of ticks as
> well, and automatically decrease tick size when zooming in.
> 3. The user decides to make the data more readable, so he or she disables
> infinite ranges for the axes (which would also make the number of ticks
> constant), applies a theme to the graph, etc.
It looks like a piece of paper because every worksheet has a fixed size on
default. What you're referring here to are, I think, not the _ranges_ of the
data shown in the plot but the _size_ of plot and/or worksheet. I'm attaching
two screenshots making the difference clear. Both plots show the same amount of
data in the same data ranges, namely x=[0,20] and y=[-1,1], for f(x)=sin(x)
with x \in (0,20). In the plot shown in worksheet_fixed_size.png the size of
the worksheet is fixed (10cm x 10cm) and the plot adjusts its size (layout is
active with some values for top, bottom, left and right margins). On the second
screenshot worksheet_view_size.png the same function is plotted but now with
worksheet adjusting it's size to the view size. To get this simply select "view
size" for the size in the worksheet properties. If you resize the sub-window
(change the size or maximize the sub-window), the worksheet and the plots on it
will adjust the sizes accordingly. You can also set all the layout margins to 0
if you need more space for the plot(s) and also play around with the plot area
paddings in the plot properties. You can even show the data in the presenter
mode if you want to further get rid of menu bar and toolbars (main menu bar ->
Worksheet -> show in presenter mode). Once you have your desired settings for
the worksheet and plot (sizes, etc.) you can save them as default values
(template buttons at the bottom of the properties dock widgets for different
objects) - every newly created object will be then created with these

> So basically, please make the plot more freeform until _after_ the user is
> done analyzing. The average user will, I think, expect the number of ticks
> to grow with the number of data points added. The average user will also
> probably want to inspect the graph by panning and zooming before making a
> printable version.
We have quite a lot for zooming already. Panning will come soon. But of course,
we're not done yet. Still a lot can be improved and added. Number of ticks is
tricky and very many users won't expect the number of ticks to grow with the
number of data - if I plot couple of values in the x-range 1-10 I want to have
maybe the ticks for 1, 2, ...10, but if I plot 100k points in the range 1-10^6,
I don't want to have million of ticks.

> Finally, _please_ keep in mind that the average user
> expects things to Just Work. Thanks for all your help.
Agree. The problem here is that there is no global "average" user. Depending on
the actual workflows, tasks and scenarios, different users have different
demands on this kind of software and we need to keep all of them in mind when
implementing features and going for certain "default values".

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