--- Comment #1 from Sasha Unspecified <> ---

1. Sorry, I described behavior imprecisely.

- Pressing Esc key (when in region-selection mode caused by pressing Space on
the "Take a New Snapshot" button) exits region-selection mode. But, unlike the
normal behavior (when in region-selection mode caused by clicking "Take a New
Snapshot" with mouse), Esc needs to be pressed *twice*: first does nothing and
second causes both the region-selection mode and KSnapshow to quit.

- Choosing a rectangle and double-clicking it (when in region-selection mode
caused by pressing Space on the "Take a New Snapshot" button) hides the
rectangle, but doesn't exit the region-selection mode. In this state, choosing
a rectangle and double-clicking it again causes KSnapshow to crash in 100%
cases (i.e. first selection and double-click does nothing, second selection and
double-click causes crash).

- Pressing Enter (when in region-selection mode caused by pressing Space on the
"Take a New Snapshot" button) causes some strange behavior. More than one
rectangle-selector may appear and etc. But, no matter how many times I select
the rectangle and press Enter, the region-selection mode is still on.

2. Surprisingly, pressing Enter on the "Take a New Snapshot" button behaves
similarly to pressing it with mouse, not to pressing it with Space key. I.e.
pressing Enter when the "Take a New Snapshot" button is focused causes the
normal region-selection mode, which can be then finished/cancelled without any

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