--- Comment #7 from Omar Plummer <> ---
Henrik: You have hit the nail squarely on the head. It does in fact seem to be
network-related. I completely overlooked the fact that the filesystem I was
opening these images from is mounted via SSHFS. The issue disappears if I copy
the archive to a local filesystem and then browse it from there.

I can also confirm that the other image editors I have tried copy the file
locally to ~/.cache5/kioexec/krun/NNNN_N/ before opening (where 'NNNN_N'
represents a dynamically created directory in each instance).

I can work around the issue in Gwenview by opening the archive file itself via
Right-click -> Open with... -> Gwenview, and then browsing from there, but I've
noticed that when I do this, if I hit Ctrl+o, Gwenview pops up an error dialog
that reads "Unable to create io-slave. klauncher said: Unknown protocol '' but
then opens the "Open Image" dialog to the correct location of the archive
anyway. So I'm not too sure what's happening there.

Many thanks for your feedback on this, as it has been driving me crazy for
quite a while.

As for looking into the code myself, I have been wanting to delve deeper into
KDE coding for quite some time, but my proficiency in C++ is very weak, and
I've so far been unable to find the time/opportunity to improve it
significantly. However, I will continue to dig deeper as much as I'm able to.
That being said; I should point out that I think the KDE community has made
leaps and bounds  over the last few years with regards to easing the entry
process for new contributors. My thanks to all who have contributed to KDE in
even the smallest way.

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