--- Comment #29 from Hugo Pereira Da Costa <> ---
Hi Kai, Anthony
Sorry to say, but this bug report is a mess.
- First the original title is too generic and the actual problem is referred to
is _fixed_
- second, other issues (with the same symptom - large X memory-, but different
trigger conditions (change of color palette, change of widget theme, or - for
kai- nothing, just long uptime), have been appended, and I can't make anything
out of it. 
We need to clean this up;
1/ I will try reproduce the issue with switching coloscheme, widget style. But
please move this to a separater bug report. When doing so, please make the
title explicit enough, so that other unrelated issues do not get appended
2/ kai: unless this is related to the same modus opperandi as describe in the
first comment, this should also go to a separate bug report, also: related to
the Qt4 variant. Also would be nice to know if you have the same issue with
other widgets themes (oxygen, plastique, etc.)
Could well be simply a driver issue (leaks in X are quite often this, sadly.
For instance, in the past we have had huge issues with oxygen and nvidia
proprietary drivers).

3) then, when the "new things" are moved to their right place, we can _again_
close this bug report (which _is_ fixed, as far as I can tell). And I can
happily focus on the new ones.



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