--- Comment #3 from ---
Sorry for my late response.

Yes it is Syncronizer Ctrl+Y  (in Germany it ist Strg+Y)

Krusader-Version 2.4.0-beta3 "Single Step"
KDE 4.14.16
xfc 4.12

I always try to get latest updates, so I don't know really if I have them...

In concrete I try to compare a huge foldertree ( more than 8 millions of
One tree is on a ext4 , the other on a Btrfs.
If the tool comes to folders which have a # in its name (unfortunately some
windows-folder have it) an error message occours for every (!) file in this
The messagetext gives not exactly the foldername. The # is often set to the end
of the messagetext ore is complete missing..

Please let me know what can I do!

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