--- Comment #8 from Nate Graham <> ---
(In reply to Antonio Rojas from comment #7)
> (In reply to isalliswell from comment #6)
> > As pointed out in the comments,it depends on the font size.So,I am just
> > curious if it is related to "Force a content size into the background style
> > item
> > " update to Kirigami in recent Frameworks update to 5.45.
> > 
> > Kirigami Content size update:
> No, this is caused by
> 9a5f7d834f86f57e88c3993fbcf4c17d09a01e10

Can confirm. :/ Sorry about that. I swear I tested this extensively--including
with a non-default font size of Noto Sans 11. Unfortunately, that's not one of
the affected font and size combinations, so I missed this.

The bug seems to be that this *particular* view has some minor mis-alignment
that triggers the clipped text bug when Qt Native text rendering is used. I
don't think we should roll back the fix; rather, we need to fix whatever it is
in this particular scrollview that's triggering the bug.

Workaround: open the following file:
- Debian-based distros:
- Other distros:

Comment out the line that begins with "renderType:" and add a new line
consisting of "renderType: Text.QtRendering" Save the file and re-open System
Settings. Should be fixed.

This will force Qt Text Rendering, which does not have the issue. It will have
the effect of making nearly all text using Qml Label items subtly lighter in
color though.

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