--- Comment #1 from NicoD <> ---
Some extra information. 
I tried to compile version 18.04 with the instructions here:
I chose refactoring_timeline 
I'll try again with the other. 

For some strange reason I ended up with version 17.11.70.
There it performs even worse. 
Result with the NanoPC T3+ was 2h49m17s.

What I forgot to mention was that the places where it performs very badly are
places with a dissolve and 2 x difference transitions. The places where there
is no transition or effect it performs good.

I still hope you can help me solve this problem. 
I would expect these boards to do this in under an hour. That's why I bought
them, I spend a lot of money on both. I don't want this to be in vain.
Thank you for your attention. I'll keep posting my progress here too. 

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