--- Comment #17 from Filip <> ---
To sum this up, from what I understand the squared icons people are seeing are
fallback icons that have been added to the Breeze icon theme. If someone is
using an icon theme which does not have these fallback icons (most likely
pretty much any non-Breeze icon theme), then they will have no icon for the
media applet. 

Now as for the various desktop themes and the state they're in, here's what I
get when I try them out:

Manjaro specific desktop themes: Andromeda, Maia, Breath = all broken

Trendy desktop themes: Adapta, Arc and Materia = all fixed
- note: patch your Arch/Manjaro community package (arc-kde) theme with the
media.svg icon from Github.

Legacy desktop themes: I expected them to be broken, but both Slim Glow and
Oxygen seem to fall back to Breeze desktop theme's icon... which looks a bit of
place, however.

So the bottom line is: know which themes have been updated and make sure you
have the latest versions of said themes. If it's not showing up right, then
cleaning the cache and/or wiping custom theme installs in System Settings
should help.

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