--- Comment #5 from ---
(In reply to katearcher89 from comment #4)
> (In reply to bugs from comment #2)
> > krita-4.2.0-pre-alpha-127857b-x86_64.appimage
> > 
> > confirming
> > 
> > However, this seems intentional, or at least a side effect of how filter
> > layers work.
> > ...
> > this can be proven by converting a filter layer to a paint layer. This is
> > essentially what it is doing when merged down. The act of merging in this
> > method conflicts with transparency preservation.
> Actually it's not entirely correct: when merging we are effectively creating
> a temporary group containing all the layers that were selected. And
> transparency preservation works totally fine with merging two paint layers
> with different blending modes. 
> I.e. let's say we have three layers, a base/bottom layer, a painted layer
> and a top layer with overlay blending mode set having some gradient drawn in
> that layer; if we merge two top layers parts of the painted layer that were
> covered with the overlay will stay 'overlayed' and parts of the overlay
> layer that were over transparent parts of the painted layer will be still
> there but changed to normal blend mode, and there will be now pixels taken
> from the bottom layer at all.
> Using hsl or other color-tweaking filter layers doing effectively the same:
> changing the color of pixels underneath it. And they should not take any
> pixels that is not included in the merge selection. 
> Moreover on the transparency issue let's say that it is intended(although I
> highy doubt that since I see no use case for such behaviour), but using
> transparency mask on filter layer has no effect as well -- if the filter
> layer has some transparency mask it is discarded during merge as well. I've
> attached the file to demonstrate it.

I stand corrected: I've tried merging paint layers in different modes and by
now, in 4.1.1 when merging any blend mode set to any higher level is discarded
as well, meaning that the layers that are supposed to me merged are merged in
normal blending mode. It's a totally wrong behaviour and I'll report that bug
as well, since that means that we have no means to merge a layer stack without
loosing color info and preserving transparency of that layers.

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