--- Comment #27 from Florian Röhrer <> ---
I agree that this is not the right place for this discussion. But nevertheless
i want to finish this discussion by answering your questions from above Kai. I
always have changed all the setting that i wanted to change on together. I have
just tried to change them separately and you are right, the Kickoff as well as
the run command option does not change anything but kickoff and run command use
the option for dialog background. All the other settings can be chosen
separately. So it would have been possible to just remove the non working
options and leave the rest untouched (or just fix the non working parts)

I never had an in any kind broken desktop. And as i sad before: There is no
theme which fits my needs...

And Kai...As i also already sad before: I don't want you to be pissed of,
usually you do a great job, as the whole team of KDE. Thank you for that. Sorry
if that was not clear enough.

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