--- Comment #25 from manuel fernández <> ---
(In reply to Thomas Fischer from comment #24)
> Thank you for the information so far. But I still need KBibTeX's debug
> output when launched in a terminal, e.g. Konsole.

Here it is. Sorry for being so inefficient!

mfg@luz:~/sysi/com/down/kbibtex/kbibtex$ /tmp/usr/bin/kbibtex
kbibtex.program: Starting KBibTeX version "3aecb322 (master)"
QCommandLineParser: option not defined: "author"
QCommandLineParser: option not defined: "license"
QCommandLineParser: option not defined: "desktopfile"
kbibtex.gui: m_current is null?  NULL
kbibtex.gui: model is null?  not null
Empty filename for XSLT
Empty filename for XSLT
kbibtex.program: WebEngine is available, using it instead of WebKit or HTML
KPart (both neither considered nor tested for) for HTML/Web preview.
kbibtex.program: About to show main window
WebEngineContext used before QtWebEngine::initialize() or OpenGL context
creation failed.
kbibtex.program: From config file 
"file:///home/mfg/acad/dif/curri/ref-mias/mfg-arti.bib"  (statusFlag= 2 )
kbibtex.program: Opening URL previously not open: 
No file found for ".xml" , even though update-mime-info said it would exist.
Either it was just removed, or the directory doesn't have executable
permission... ("/home/mfg/.local/share/mime", "/usr/share/mime")
kbibtex.program: URL now open: 
kbibtex.program: From config file  "file:///home/mfg/acad/ext/ref/phys.bib" 
(statusFlag= 2 )
kbibtex.program: Opening URL previously not open: 
kbibtex.program: URL now open:  "/home/mfg/acad/ext/ref/phys.bib"
kbibtex.program: From config file 
"file:///home/mfg/Desktop/perna10.2307_1971423.txt"  (statusFlag= 2 )
kbibtex.program: Opening URL previously not open: 
kbibtex.program: URL now open:  "/home/mfg/Desktop/perna10.2307_1971423.txt"
kbibtex.program: From config file 
"file:///home/mfg/acad/dif/curri/ref-mias/mfg-arti.bib"  (statusFlag= 4 )
kbibtex.program: From config file  "file:///home/mfg/acad/ext/ref/phys.bib" 
(statusFlag= 4 )
kbibtex.program: From config file 
"file:///home/mfg/acad/dif/curri/ref-mias/mfg-arti.bib"  (statusFlag= 1 )
kbibtex.program: Using service "BibTeX Viewer and Editor" ( "KParts component
to view and edit bibliographic files" ) for mime type "text/x-bibtex" through
library "kbibtexpart"
kbibtex.program: PATH=
kbibtex.program: LD_LIBRARY_PATH= 
kbibtex.program: XDG_DATA_DIRS=
kbibtex.program: QT_PLUGIN_PATH= 
kbibtex.program: KDEDIRS= 
kf5.kxmlgui: this does not work on a KActionCollection containing actions!
kbibtex.gui: m_current is null?  NULL
kbibtex.gui: model is null?  not null No or only an incomplete installation of BibUtils found Unknown token ' 'e' ( "0x0065" ) ' near line  1140 ( "" 
"fe" ) , treating as comment
kbibtex.gui: m_current is null?  NULL
kbibtex.gui: model is null?  not null
kbibtex.program: From config file  "file:///home/mfg/acad/ext/ref/phys.bib" 
(statusFlag= 1 )
kf5.kio.core: KSambaShare: Could not find smb.conf!
kbibtex.program: Located KPart service: "kbibtexpart" with description "KParts
component to view and edit bibliographic files" from library "kbibtexpart"
kbibtex.program: Invoking 'return programCore.exec()'
kbibtex.gui: m_current is null?  not null
kbibtex.gui: model is null?  not null
KCrash: crashing... crashRecursionCounter = 2
KCrash: Application Name = kbibtex path = /tmp/usr/bin pid = 25551
KCrash: Arguments: /tmp/usr/bin/kbibtex 
KCrash: Attempting to start /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libexec/drkonqi from

[1]+  Stopped                 /tmp/usr/bin/kbibtex

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