--- Comment #2 from avlas <> ---

> Can you please tell what exact shortcuts are you using?

Not sure I follow...

I guess my explanation wasn't clear enough, so I try to clarify it further:
when using the global menu, if one activates a particular application menu via
ALT + underlined_character, that specific menu is triggered both at the
globalmenu as well as within the application (via the kwin menu button).

I think this behavior doesn't make much sense both functionally (depending on
the application location the menues overlap) and visually (the look and feel of
the menues opened in parallel doesn't look good), so I suggest using only the
global menu if both the applet and the kwin menu button are available. I think
this priority makes sense because one cannot have the global menu applet
without the kwin menu button, but the kwin menu button can stand alone.

Let me know if this doesn't clarify the question.

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