--- Comment #45 from Simon <> ---
Here is my diagnosis after a few hours with a Neon 5.14 VM:
- The issue described is reproducible on a fresh installation
- The issue described is not present on a build of the 1.3.2 branch on my
Fedora system
- The issue is not 100% reproducible. Sometimes I could click on the phone
shortcut in Dolphin and everything would just work as normal. I could not
figure out how to reliably trigger this good state, but it would seem to work
for several tries after starting to work, then eventually give up
- This happens with KDE Connect installed from a build from the master branch
in git as well as installed from packages
- This happens with package version 1.3.0-0ubuntu1 as well as the latest
available 1.3.2-0xneon+18.04+bionic+build7
- The behavior for `kioclient cat kdeconnect://<device id>` differs between my
Neon VM and my main Fedora system:
  - When kdeconnectd is not connected, on Fedora kioclient5 immediately exits
with a 0 return code. On Neon, it pauses for ~2 seconds then exits with "The
process for the kdeconnect://<device id> protocol died unexpectedly" and a
non-zero code (specifically, 1)
  - When kdeconnectd is connected, the behavior is apparently the same (nothing
successful-looking is ever written to the console)

Most interestingly, nothing gets logged by kdeconnectd when the icon gets
clicked in Neon. As in, no crash, nor failed connection. In Fedora, "stuff"
happens (indicating the device is mounted, etc.)

This suggests that something in the pipeline between KIO and KDE Connect is the
cause of the trouble.

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