--- Comment #3 from Adam Spiers <> ---
Ahah!  It happened again, and I noticed that the culprit track always has
id="overlay_track".  Grepping the source revealed that this is created by this

which with hindsight I realise is exactly what I was using each time it broke. 
So this feature is definitely broken, at least in 18.04.3.

Looking more closely, I see that Timeline::createOverlay() has:

    Mlt::Producer *overlayTrack = m_tractor->track(trackIndex);
    overlayTrack->set("hide", 2);
    overlayTrack->set("id", "overlay_track");
    delete overlayTrack;
    m_hasOverlayTrack = true;

which directly affects the track count which Timeline::getTracksInfo() and many
other methods rely on:

    int Timeline::tracksCount() const
        return m_tractor->count() - m_hasOverlayTrack - m_usePreview;

So if this count is off by one due to incorrect handling of the overlay track,
it would perfectly explain the segfault seen in this bug.

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