--- Comment #1 from Jake <> ---
launching plasma-discover from a console gives:

ake@box:/p/gcc$ plasma-discover
QGLXContext: Failed to create dummy context
failed to acquire GL context to resolve capabilities, using defaults..
QQmlComponent: Created graphical object was not placed in the graphics scene.
qml: Warning: ToolbarApplicationHeader is deprecated, remove and use the
automatic internal toolbar instead.
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
invalid kns backend! "/etc/xdg/servicemenu.knsrc" because: "Config group not
found! Check your KNS3 installation."
invalid kns backend! "/etc/xdg/ksysguard.knsrc" because: "Config group not
found! Check your KNS3 installation."
no packages for "cockpit.desktop"
no packages for "im.riot.webapp"
setting currentApplicationBackend PackageKitBackend(0x564802d55900)
Failed to create OpenGL context for format QSurfaceFormat(version 2.0, options
QFlags<QSurfaceFormat::FormatOption>(), depthBufferSize 24, redBufferSize -1,
greenBufferSize -1, blueBufferSize -1, alphaBufferSize -1, stencilBufferSize 8,
samples -1, swapBehavior QSurfaceFormat::SwapBehavior(DoubleBuffer),
swapInterval 1, colorSpace QSurfaceFormat::ColorSpace(DefaultColorSpace),
profile  QSurfaceFormat::OpenGLContextProfile(NoProfile)) 
KCrash: crashing... crashRecursionCounter = 2
KCrash: Application Name = plasma-discover path = /usr/bin pid = 30131
KCrash: Arguments: /usr/bin/plasma-discover 
KCrash: Attempting to start /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libexec/drkonqi from
QSocketNotifier: Invalid socket 30 and type 'Write', disabling...
QSocketNotifier: Invalid socket 33 and type 'Write', disabling...
QSocketNotifier: Invalid socket 32 and type 'Write', disabling...

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