--- Comment #9 from NSLW <> ---
(In reply to grzebo from comment #6)
> I agree that in theory changing Polish translation of "Cancel" to
> "Zaniechaj" could be a good idea - but only if it was done in all the
> software simultaneously. Unfortunately, this will not happen without
> intervention of the state (i.e. a resolution by the Rada Języka Polskiego).

That's not true. As far as I know, state hasn't constituted any wording
standard, so it has nothing to intervene into.
If the change has to be made in all software simultaneously, then any change
would be impossible. It has to start somewhere.

> KDE is used by many people (myself included) for daily serious work. This is
> not a place for linguistic experiments, even if they would be technically
> correct. Besides, after decades of continued usage the meaning of "Anuluj"
> is ingrained in the language. It is very important to make switching to KDE
> easy for users of other OSes, this translation makes it harder, with no good
> reason.

This is not a linguistic experiment. "Zaniechaj" is a legitimate word.

> Consistency is an important part of User Experience. Buttons for "OK" and
> "Cancel" (translated as "Anuluj") are instantly recognizable. This change of
> translation slows down users' workflow, as they pause to take a second look
> at a button that they used to recognize instantly.

"Zaniechaj" is instantly recognizable as well. It's not too long, not too
difficult to spell and not unpopular.
In my experience, you have to read what's in the dialog (message, possible
answers) to react to it correctly.

(In reply to Marta Rybczyńska from comment #8)
> We have had a lot
> of differences between Gnome and KDE and other translations and it is never
> to the good to the user.

I don't think so. Always looking and copying from one another won't bring any
new and innovative things.

As I understand, most of us (if not all) think that "zaniechaj" is worthy
replacement for "anuluj" but wouldn't want to make change because it would need
to be changed in all software simultaneously. That's not how I see it. I see
here that there are two Catalan
1) Catalan
2) Catalan (Valencian)
and there are many other similar cases with other languages.

I think we could make that case with Polish language as well i.e. break it up
in two like e.g.:
1) Polish (common)
2) Polish (pure)

The first one would contain "anuluj" for "cancel". The second one would contain
"zaniechaj" for "cancel".
The problem is that the first one would be unmaintained and start to get
untranslated in many places. In that case, I think it would not be good

Would be that possible?

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