--- Comment #5 from Ralf Habacker <> ---
(In reply to Ralf Habacker from comment #0)
> After fixing both items the translators need some time to add translations.

alkimia source tarball generated with tarme.rb from master branch by running:

./tarme.rb --origin stable --version 8.0.1 alkimia


INFO -- ReleaseMe::Release: Getting CI states.
INFO -- ReleaseMe::Release: Getting source (git -
INFO -- ReleaseMe::Release:  Getting translations...
INFO -- ReleaseMe::L10n: Downloading translations for alkimia-8.0.1
INFO -- ReleaseMe::L10n: No translations for: be, as, af, be@latin, bn, ar,
ast, bn_IN, br, bg, crh, csb, bs, cy, en, el, de, da, eo, fa, et, eu, fy, gd,
gu, ha, ga, he, hi, hne, hr, hy, hsb, is, ia, id, hu, ka, kn, km, kk, ku, lb,
lv, mai, mk, ml, lt, mt, ms, ne, nb, mr, nso, nds, oc, or, nn, pa, ps, pt_BR,
ru, rw, se, ro, si, sq, sr@ijekavian, sr, sl, sr@ijekavianlatin, sr@latin, ta,
te, tg, th, tn, tt, uz, uz@cyrillic, tr, ug, vi, wa, xh, zh_HK

which means there are still no translations available.

As an alternative does making a tarball with the releaseme tools from kdelibs4
branch returns

Translations (14)
ca ca@valencia de es fi gl it ko nl pl pt pt_BR sv uk

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