--- Comment #11 from skierpage <> ---
(In reply to Stephane MANKOWSKI from comment #10)
> Do you have an answer?
Sorry I was busy doing taxes (with Skrooge, *love* the Group by > Category and
Bookmarks > Bookmark current page > Rename). The trace now contains (I'll send
the full trace separately):

##    >virtual SKGError SKGImportPluginOfx::importFile()
##      >static SKGError SKGImportPluginOfx::getAccount(OfxAccountData*,
SKGDocumentBank*, SKGAccountObject&)                                            
##        >static QString SKGImportPluginOfx::getAccountName(OfxAccountData*)
##        accountNumber=
##        <static QString SKGImportPluginOfx::getAccountName(OfxAccountData*)
##      NOT found in index
##      <static SKGError SKGImportPluginOfx::getAccount(OfxAccountData*,
SKGDocumentBank*, SKGAccountObject&) RC=[ERR-8]: More than one object returned
in 'v_account' for 't_number='''                                                
##    Add account 'Credit card ' in index
##      >static SKGError SKGImportPluginOfx::getAccount(OfxAccountData*,
SKGDocumentBank*, SKGAccountObject&)                                            
##        >static QString SKGImportPluginOfx::getAccountName(OfxAccountData*)
##        accountNumber=
##        <static QString SKGImportPluginOfx::getAccountName(OfxAccountData*)
##      NOT found in index
##      <static SKGError SKGImportPluginOfx::getAccount(OfxAccountData*,
SKGDocumentBank*, SKGAccountObject&) RC=[ERR-8]: More than one object returned
in 'v_account' for 't_number='''

So it thinks the account number is blank. I described in comment #3 how it's in
<ACCTID> and <{bankname}.BASICACCT>; these SGML tags are within the CCACCTFROM

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