--- Comment #8 from DonnW <> ---
I have tried  the  modified version in the ppa. When I selected create
thumbnails with ffmpeg and then restarted Kdenlive it loaded up the project and
then crashed before any thumbnails were generated.  This happened every time I
restarted it.  I started a version of a recently  compiled kdenlive from the
build script, reset the thumbnail generation to not use ffmpeg (to reset the
configuration file) and then restarted the installed version. It then worked ok
until I reselected ffmpeg option again. I tried running  Kdenlive with:
gdb kdenlive


thread apply all bt after it had crashed.

this started Kdenlive which was frozen at what looked like thumbnail generation

the output from thread apply all bt  was:
Couldn't get registers: No such process.

How do I attach or send you a sample video file. My clips are quite large even
a short  10s clip is 68Mb which exceeds the allowed size for an attachment

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