--- Comment #28 from Nikita Sirgienko <> ---
I had reproduced the issue, in some sense.

1. Build Cantor with my Julia v1.0.0
2. Then, without 'make clean', rerun cmake with JULIA_EXECUTABLE points to
julia v1.1.0 (or remove julia v1.0.0 and install julia v1.1.0)
3. Build Cantor (it's not actually full rebuild, so it passes quickly)
4. Install
Now we have corrupted Julia backend: cantor_juliaserver will crash on any Julia
error and Cantor will never finish evaluation on entry with error code.

Second moment, it's a GR julia module, which Cantor uses for embedded graphic.
Important, that Cantor don't check GR precense and just import GR module,
which, if GR module not installed, cause *julia error*. Often is not a problem,
we just got an error, handle it and continue to work.

Important, that Cantor does this import *before* running user code from first
user code entry.

As can be seen, synergy of this two problems cause unending login (Cantor done
login, send import code, server crashs and Cantor never finish computing first
user code entry), that you describe in this bug report.

There is a easy way to check, if I am right about your problem: you need go to
Julia settings and disable 'Integrate Plots in Worksheet' checkbox.
If after this you could login in julia (for example, with code `print("Hello
world!")`), then we successfully localized your problem.

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