--- Comment #5 from ---
Here's a full latte-dock --debug log:

Invalid Context= "Panel" line for icon theme: 
Invalid Context= "Panel" line for icon theme: 
Invalid Context= "Panel" line for icon theme: 
Invalid Context= "Panel" line for icon theme: 
Invalid Context= "Panel" line for icon theme: 
Invalid Context= "Panel" line for icon theme: 
Invalid Context= "Panel" line for icon theme: 
Invalid Context= "Panel" line for icon theme: 
Invalid Context= "Panel" line for icon theme: 
Invalid Context= "Panel" line for icon theme: 
Invalid Context= "Panel" line for icon theme: 
Invalid Context= "Panel" line for icon theme: 
Invalid Context= "Notifications" line for icon theme: 
Invalid Context= "Notifications" line for icon theme: 
[debug 7:54:58.216216] - badges updated to ::  ("", "", "", "", "", "", "", "",
"", "", "z", "x", "c", "v", "b", "n", "m", ",", ".")
[debug 7:54:58.216216] - applet shortcuts updated to ::  QHash()
[debug 7:54:58.241241] -  Indicator Package Loaded :::  "Latte"  [
"org.kde.latte.default" ]  - [ "/usr/share/latte/indicators/default/" ]
[debug 7:54:58.241241] -  Indicator Package Loaded :::  "Plasma"  [
"org.kde.latte.plasma" ]  - [
"/usr/share/latte/indicators/org.kde.latte.plasma/" ]
[debug 7:54:58.241241] - "Latte"
[debug 7:54:58.242242] - ---------------- Plasma Screen Ids ------------------
[debug 7:54:58.242242] - ----------------  ---------------  ------------------
[debug 7:54:58.245245] -  Windows default color scheme :: 
[debug 7:54:58.251251] - package is valid true
[debug 7:54:58.251251] - connector : "eDP1"  -  "10"
[debug 7:54:58.251251] - Known Screen -  "eDP1"  -  10
[debug 7:54:58.251251] - Latte::Corona the package
QJsonObject({"KPlugin":{"Authors":[{"Email":",","Name":"Michail Vourlakos, Smith
Ar"}],"Description":"Shell provided for the Latte
Dock","Description[ca@valencia]":"Intèrpret d'ordres proporcionat pel Latte
Dock","Description[ca]":"Intèrpret d'ordres proporcionat pel Latte
Dock","Description[da]":"Skal til Latte-dokken","Description[de]":"Shell für
Latte-Dock","Description[el]":"Κέλυφος που παρέχεται από την εφαρμογή
Latte","Description[en_GB]":"Shell provided for the Latte
Dock","Description[es]":"Shell proporcionada para Latte
Dock","Description[eu]":"Shell-a Latte
Dockentzat","Description[fi]":"Latte-telakalle tarjottu
käyttöliittymä","Description[gl]":"Intérprete de ordes fornecido para a doca
Latte.","Description[it]":"Shell fornita per Latte
Dock","Description[ko]":"Latte 독을 위해 제공된 셸","Description[nl]":"Shell geleverd
voor de Latte Dock","Description[nn]":"Skal frå
Latte-dokk","Description[pl]":"Powłoka dla doku
Latte","Description[pt]":"Consola oferecida para a área acoplável do
Latte","Description[pt_BR]":"Shell fornecido pelo Latte
Dock","Description[ru]":"Оболочка для Latte Dock","Description[sv]":"Skal
tillhandahållet för Latte dockningsfönster","Description[uk]":"Оболонка панелі
Латте","Description[x-test]":"xxShell provided for the Latte
Dockxx","Description[zh_CN]":"用于 Latte 停靠栏的 Shell","Description[zh_TW]":"由
Latte Dock 提供的
Shell","Name[ca@valencia]":"Intèrpret d'ordres del Latte","Name[ca]":"Intèrpret
d'ordres del Latte","Name[cs]":"Shell
Latte","Name[en_GB]":"Latte Shell","Name[es]":"Consola de
Shell-a","Name[fi]":"Latte-käyttöliittymä","Name[gl]":"Intérprete de ordes de
Latte","Name[it]":"shell Latte","Name[ko]":"Latte
Latte","Name[pt]":"Consola do Latte","Name[pt_BR]":"Latte
Shell","Name[ru]":"Оболочка Latte","Name[sv]":"Latte skal","Name[uk]":"Оболонка
Латте","Name[x-test]":"xxLatte Shellxx","Name[zh_CN]":"Latte
is valid!
[debug 7:54:58.251251] - current plasma theme :::  "default"
[debug 7:54:58.251251] - theme path ::: 
[debug 7:54:58.251251] - theme widgets path ::: 
[debug 7:54:58.252252] - plasma theme original colors ::: 
[debug 7:54:58.272272] - plasma theme default colors ::: 
[debug 7:54:58.597597] - plasma theme reversed colors ::: 
[debug 7:54:58.598598] - Plasma theme is light...
[warning 7:54:58.66] - "" has no desktop group, cannot construct a KPluginInfo
object from it.
[debug 7:54:58.608608] -  COMPOSITING ROUNDNESS :::  1  _  1  _  1  _  1
[debug 7:54:58.615615] - Default Wallpaper path ::: 
[debug 7:54:58.615615] - ---------------- Plasma Screen Ids ------------------
[debug 7:54:58.615615] - ----------------  ---------------  ------------------
[debug 7:54:58.6262] - activity changed :: 
[debug 7:54:58.6262] - Universal Settings version :  1
[debug 7:54:58.6262] - Latte must update its configuration...
[debug 7:54:58.621621] - Latte is loading  its layouts...
[debug 7:54:58.621621] - Layout file to create object: 
"/home/h0tw4t3r/.config/latte/Default.layout.latte"  with name:  ""
[debug 7:54:58.621621] - Layout file:
[debug 7:54:58.622622] - Layout name: "Default"
[debug 7:54:58.622622] - Layout file to create object: 
"/home/h0tw4t3r/.config/latte/Extended.layout.latte"  with name:  ""
[debug 7:54:58.622622] - Layout file:
[debug 7:54:58.623623] - Layout name: "Extended"
[debug 7:54:58.623623] - Layout file to create object: 
"/home/h0tw4t3r/.config/latte/My Layout.layout.latte"  with name:  ""
[debug 7:54:58.623623] - Layout file: "/home/h0tw4t3r/.config/latte/My
[debug 7:54:58.623623] - Layout name: "My Layout"
[debug 7:54:58.623623] - Layout file to create object: 
"/home/h0tw4t3r/.config/latte/OSX.layout.latte"  with name:  ""
[debug 7:54:58.623623] - Layout file:
[debug 7:54:58.623623] - Layout name: "OSX"
[debug 7:54:58.623623] - Layout file to create object: 
"/home/h0tw4t3r/.config/latte/Plasma.layout.latte"  with name:  ""
[debug 7:54:58.623623] - Layout file:
[debug 7:54:58.624624] - Layout name: "Plasma"
[debug 7:54:58.624624] - Layout file to create object: 
"/home/h0tw4t3r/.config/latte/Unity.layout.latte"  with name:  ""
[debug 7:54:58.624624] - Layout file:
[debug 7:54:58.625625] - Layout name: "Unity"
[debug 7:54:58.976976] - "Default"  - 
[debug 7:54:58.976976] - Layout file to create object: 
"/home/h0tw4t3r/.config/latte/Default.layout.latte"  with name:  "Default"
[debug 7:54:58.976976] - Layout file:
[debug 7:54:58.978978] - Layout name: "Default"
[debug 7:54:58.978978] - Layout :::::  "Default"  added containments :::  0
[debug 7:54:58.978978] - 
[debug 7:54:58.978978] - 
[debug 7:54:58.978978] - LOADING CORONA LAYOUT:
[info 7:54:59.006006] - Applet preload policy set to 1
[warning 7:54:59.162162] - "KConfigIni: In file
/usr/share/applications/electrum.desktop, line 6: " "Invalid escape sequence
[warning 7:54:59.162162] - "KConfigIni: In file
/usr/share/applications/electrum.desktop, line 6: " "Invalid escape sequence
[warning 7:54:59.162162] - "KConfigIni: In file
/usr/share/applications/electrum.desktop, line 20: " "Invalid escape sequence
[warning 7:54:59.162162] - "KConfigIni: In file
/usr/share/applications/electrum.desktop, line 20: " "Invalid escape sequence
[debug 7:54:59.402402] - Layout ::::  "Default"  ::: addView was called...
m_containments ::  1
[debug 7:54:59.402402] - step 1...
[debug 7:54:59.402402] - step 2...
[debug 7:54:59.402402] - step 3...
[debug 7:54:59.402402] - Adding view - containment id: 1  ,screen : 10  - 
"eDP1"  ,onprimary: true  -   edge: Plasma::Types::Location(BottomEdge) 
,screenName: "eDP1"  ,forceOnPrimary: false
[debug 7:54:59.402402] - add dock - connector :  "eDP1"
[debug 7:54:59.402402] - Adding view passed ALL checks  ,onPrimary: true 
,screen: "eDP1"  !!!
[debug 7:54:59.4747] - setScreenToFollow() called for screen: "eDP1"  update:
[debug 7:54:59.4747] - adapting to screen...
[debug 7:54:59.4747] - setScreenToFollow() ended...
[debug 7:54:59.537537] - SOURCE:
[debug 7:54:59.537537] - syncGeometry() called...
[debug 7:54:59.538538] - syncGeometry() calculations for screen:  "eDP1"  _ 
QRect(0,0 1920x1080)
[debug 7:54:59.538538] - syncGeometry() calculations for edge: 
[debug 7:54:59.538538] - syncGeometry() ended...
[debug 7:54:59.538538] - dock view c++ containment changed 1...
[debug 7:54:59.538538] - dock view c++ containment changed 2...
[debug 7:54:59.538538] - reconsiderScreen() called...
[debug 7:54:59.538538] -   Delayer  
[debug 7:54:59.538538] -       D, found screen:  "eDP1"
[debug 7:54:59.538538] - dock screen exists  :::  true
[debug 7:54:59.538538] - syncGeometry() called...
[debug 7:54:59.538538] - syncGeometry() calculations for screen:  "eDP1"  _ 
QRect(0,0 1920x1080)
[debug 7:54:59.538538] - syncGeometry() calculations for edge: 
[debug 7:54:59.538538] - syncGeometry() ended...
[debug 7:54:59.538538] - reconsiderScreen() ended...
[debug 7:54:59.538538] - WindowsTracker creating...
[debug 7:54:59.538538] - VisibilityManager creating...
[warning 7:55:00.063063] - Connecting to deprecated signal
[debug 7:55:00.167167] -  /////////////////////////
[debug 7:55:00.167167] - "Plasma Desktop version:  5.14.5 (331269)"
[debug 7:55:00.167167] -  /////////////////////////
[debug 7:55:00.286286] - PulseAudio Latte interface was loaded...
[warning 7:55:00.355355] - Failed to register unity service
[warning 7:55:00.462462] - Trying to use rootObject before initialization is
completed, whilst using setInitializationDelayed. Forcing completion
[warning 7:55:00.469469] - trying to show an empty dialog
[warning 7:55:00.8484] -
TypeError: Cannot read property 'indicator' of null
[debug 7:55:00.974974] - SAVING SPLITTERS :: -1 _ -1
[debug 7:55:00.983983] - latte view qml source - containment changed 1...
[debug 7:55:00.983983] - latte view qml source - containment changed 2...
[debug 7:55:00.985985] - syncGeometry() called...
[debug 7:55:00.985985] - syncGeometry() calculations for screen:  "eDP1"  _ 
QRect(0,0 1920x1080)
[debug 7:55:00.985985] - syncGeometry() calculations for edge: 
[debug 7:55:00.985985] - syncGeometry() ended...
[debug 7:55:00.985985] - syncGeometry() called...
[debug 7:55:00.985985] - syncGeometry() calculations for screen:  "eDP1"  _ 
QRect(0,0 1920x1080)
[debug 7:55:00.985985] - syncGeometry() calculations for edge: 
[debug 7:55:00.985985] - syncGeometry() ended...
[warning 7:55:00.988988] - Empty filename passed to function
[warning 7:55:00.988988] - Empty filename passed to function
[warning 7:55:00.988988] - QObject::connect: invalid null parameter
[info 7:55:01.006006] - New Applet  "Analog Clock" with a weight of 0
[debug 7:55:01.088088] - DOCK VIEW FROM LAYOUT :::  "Default"  - activities: 
[debug 7:55:01.482482] - syncGeometry() called...
[debug 7:55:01.482482] - syncGeometry() calculations for screen:  "eDP1"  _ 
QRect(0,0 1920x1080)
[debug 7:55:01.482482] - syncGeometry() calculations for edge: 
[debug 7:55:01.482482] - syncGeometry() ended...
[debug 7:55:04.782782] - Loading visibility mode:
Latte::Types::Visibility(DodgeAllWindows)  on startup...
[warning 7:55:24.393393] - Empty filename passed to function
[warning 7:55:24.393393] - Empty filename passed to function
[warning 7:55:49.417417] - Empty filename passed to function
[warning 7:55:49.417417] - Empty filename passed to function
[debug 7:56:19.593593] -  Windows default color scheme :: 
[warning 7:56:20.374374] - Empty filename passed to function
[warning 7:56:20.375375] - Empty filename passed to function

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