--- Comment #2 from David REVOY <> ---
I guess a checkbox like that would hide also other useful notifications
(Mirror, Rotation) and this ones are too useful in canvas-only mode to be
hidden while painting. I would like to keep them visible. 

I think the core of my issue is only the obstrusive lenght of the notification;
it takes half of the monitor with the full path to the file and disturbs
painting with a low autosave frequency ... eg right now:

[ Autosaving...
/home/deevad/peppercarrot/webcomics/new-ep30_Need-a-Hug/E30P02.kra ]
[ Finished Autosaving: .E30P02-autosave.kra ]

They are both really long compare to other on canvas notifications:

[ Horyzontal Mirroring: ON ] 
[ Rotation: 15° ] 
[ Layer is locked ] 

... and knowing the name of the file during this blink of time is not useful.
This is too verbose. I would probably prefer something shorter like:

[ Autosaving: in progress ]
[ Autosaving: success ]

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