--- Comment #3 from Carl Love <> ---
The following patch seems to clean up most of the issues:

Fix for regression error

 coregrind/m_sigframe/sigframe-ppc64-linux.c | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/coregrind/m_sigframe/sigframe-ppc64-linux.c
index 0406f3c..b54c4e0 100644
--- a/coregrind/m_sigframe/sigframe-ppc64-linux.c
+++ b/coregrind/m_sigframe/sigframe-ppc64-linux.c
@@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ struct rt_sigframe {
    vki_siginfo_t         info;
    struct vg_sig_private priv;
    UChar                 abigap[288];   // unused
+} __attribute__ ((aligned (16)));

 #define SET_SIGNAL_LR(zztst, zzval)                          \
    do { tst->arch.vex.guest_LR = (zzval);                    \

With this patch the number of regression errors is reduced to:
== 649 tests, 6 stderr failures, 3 stdout failures, 0 stderrB failures, 2
tB failures, 2 post failures ==                                                 
gdbserver_tests/nlgone_abrt              (stdoutB)                              
gdbserver_tests/nlpasssigalrm            (stdoutB)                              
memcheck/tests/bug340392                 (stderr)                               
memcheck/tests/leak_cpp_interior         (stderr)                               
memcheck/tests/linux/rfcomm              (stderr)                               
memcheck/tests/vcpu_fnfns                (stdout)                               
memcheck/tests/vcpu_fnfns                (stderr)                               
massif/tests/new-cpp                     (post)                                 
massif/tests/overloaded-new              (post)                                 
none/tests/ppc64/test_isa_2_06_part3     (stdout)                               
none/tests/ppc64/test_isa_2_06_part3     (stderr)                               
none/tests/ppc64/test_isa_2_07_part2     (stdout)                               
none/tests/ppc64/test_isa_2_07_part2     (stderr)   

Continuing to look at what additional changes are needed.  But it looks like a

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