--- Comment #207 from Stanley Fertig <> ---
Did you mean in Terminal?  I tried and got the following:

> Last login: Wed Feb 12 22:00:05 on console
> sf@Stanleys-Air ~ % brew install
> Updating Homebrew...
> ==> Auto-updated Homebrew!
> Updated 1 tap (homebrew/core).
> ==> New Formulae
> cacli               gh                  libdeflate          wasm3
> cctz                kcptun              pueue
> ==> Updated Formulae
> abcmidi                    gdb                        openjdk@11
> ace                        gimme-aws-creds            openjdk@12
> activemq                   git-delta                  paket
> akka                       glooctl                    pdfcpu
> allure                     glslviewer                 petsc
> ammonite-repl              golo                       petsc-complex
> angular-cli                gradle                     phpunit
> ansible                    grafana                    picard-tools
> ant                        gsasl                      pipx
> antlr                      hapi-fhir-cli              procs
> antlr@2                    helmfile                   profanity
> apache-archiva             hlint                      proteinortho
> apache-arrow               homebank                   pulumi
> apache-arrow-glib          http-parser                pumba
> apache-ctakes              hugo                       pyinvoke
> apache-forrest             i386-elf-gdb               pympress
> apache-spark               imagemagick                python-markdown
> apollo                     imagemagick@6              qxmpp
> armadillo                  ioping                     rav1e
> artifactory                jenkins                    repo
> asymptote                  jhipster                   rex
> aws-cdk                    jsonnet                    riff
> aws-sdk-cpp                just                       run
> ballerina                  kops                       scons
> bash                       kubecfg                    screen
> bazel                      lazygit                    serverless
> bazelisk                   legit                      sfk
> beast                      libcdr                     sile
> benthos                    libgee                     simgrid
> bit                        libgpg-error               skopeo
> broot                      libmtp                     snakemake
> buildifier                 libpsl                     source-to-image
> caf                        linkerd                    sphinx-doc
> cfn-lint                   liquibase                  spotbugs
> checkbashisms              lldpd                      ssh-vault
> citus                      manticoresearch            starship
> clamav                     maven                      stress-ng
> closure-compiler           maven@3.2                  subnetcalc
> cmake                      maven@3.3                  subversion
> cobalt                     maven@3.5                  swiftlint
> conan                      micro                      sysdig
> contentful-cli             minikube                   telegraf
> dartsim                    minio                      terraformer
> dateutils                  mk-configure               terragrunt
> dive                       movgrab                    texlab
> dvc                        nano                       tile38
> dynare                     nats-streaming-server      tippecanoe
> elixir                     navi                       traefik
> embree                     ncdu                       ttyd
> erlang                     nesc                       v8
> exploitdb                  netlify-cli                vala
> eye-d3                     ngt                        verilator
> faiss                      nng                        wireguard-tools
> fcl                        nnn                        wtf
> findomain                  node                       wtfutil
> fio                        node@10                    xcodegen
> fits                       node@12                    xtensor
> flow                       now-cli                    yadm
> fluxctl                    nss                        yarn
> flyway                     ocp                        yq
> folly                      octave                     zeek
> fuseki                     opa
> gdal                       openjdk
> ==> Deleted Formulae
> python@2
> Error: No available formula with the name "" 
> ==> Searching for a previously deleted formula (in the last month)...
> Warning: homebrew/core is shallow clone. To get complete history run:
>   git -C "$(brew --repo homebrew/core)" fetch --unshallow
> Error: No previously deleted formula found.
> ==> Searching for similarly named formulae...
> This similarly named formula was found:
> astrometry-net
> To install it, run:
>   brew install astrometry-net
> ==> Searching taps...
> ==> Searching taps on GitHub...
> Error: No formulae found in taps.
> sf@Stanleys-Air ~ % 

> On Feb 12, 2020, at 9:42 PM, Rob <> wrote:
> --- Comment #206 from Rob <> ---
> As an alternative, have you tried doing this:
> -- 
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