--- Comment #7 from Ashram <> ---
@Christian Christiansen:

I noticed this bug from complaints received from a small group ( under 200 ) of
linux users i offer assistance to ( free of charge, i see it as my way to help
expand Linux / KDE / Plasma ) .

All complaints came from a particular group of people working on
creative/artistic/design fields that work with large numbers of media files
that must ( mandatory ) include all kind of additional info on filenames as
well ( yes, info that's redundant as metadata for those files ) like dates,
codecs, dates, etc, etc... for a number of reasons they all need that extra
info and therefore all files name are pretty large .

For the record: all of 'em couldn't dislike more the latest update that
shortens file names with three dots... in fact, i had to help some of 'em to
transition to Gnome - even though they absolutely loved Plasma - because that
was the last stab that killed their workflow .

For the time being, the particular use-case for displaying full long names at
the risk of overlapping over folders/files below is checking individual
filenames, one by one ( whether it is to check that particular file name or
double check name sequences... whatever the case they only need to check one
full long name at a time ) . 

The moment i read your comment i couldn't come up with any particular use case
where any user might need to have full visibility of multiple long
files/folders names at the same time... after all, the moment you select
multiple ones is the moment you're about to execute a batch-action (
copy/move/rename/etc... ) and can't think of a real-life scenario where such
visibility is mandatory/vital for any particular workflow.

Sent some messages asking for potential scenarios where this particular group
of users i mentioned might need to have a better alternative when it comes to
the case you're pointing at... but none of 'em saw any reason to check multiple
long files/folders names simultaneously ... and all of them suggested the same
i did ( you do such a thing when you're about to perform batch-actions )
without even suggesting nor hinting anything previously .

That said, it saddens me to confirm that such a small detail is becoming a deal
breaker for this group of users that deal with files that are more & more &
more common nowadays. I love Plasma and it's my DE of choice and the one i try
to promote but the users i had to help transition to Gnome because of this are
creating a domino effect and afraid in the end that all of 'em are going to
migrate to Gnome at this rate... even though they love plasma, all the options,
Krita integration, Krunner... but they're tired of stumbling upon the same
painful stone on a daily basis .

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