--- Comment #6 from ---
I am not a developer at all. It was just suggested that I be available to
answer any questions from an end user standpoint. Another application I've come
across since doing my research is ExifTool which is a command line tool for
accomplishing this same purpose. Of course, it needs a GUI for most users to be
comfortable using it. It was last dated a week ago, on May 11, 2020. There's a
GUI tool specifically for it, but I'm unsure how updated it is. I haven't
personally used either one.

It has become popular over the last half decade or so to adapt older film
camera lenses to newer mirrorless cameras. Since these were built in the
pre-Exif days, they don't transmit any of that information to the image file
that a modern lens does. I can see this being a valuable tool for serious
photographers who wish to be able to accomplish this task. Additionally, the
community of film photographers has been steadily growing in that same amount
of time.  The ability to edit EXIF data, and apply it to several images at one
time within digiKam, would be a helpful integration into that program.
Currently, that task is not possible in digiKam. 

Thanks for taking a look at this. I'm available to answer any questions you
might have.

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