--- Comment #32 from Brian Wright <> ---
My apologies for the delay in getting back to you. :)

I think this issue may have been caused by a faulty hard drive.  The KDE
SmartControl module was issuing warnings about sectors on the hard drive
becoming unreadable.

I ordered a replacement drive, then I used CloneZilla to clone the disk. 
Afterwards, everything was working as it should, even after reinstalling
NoMachine with the default settings:

Output of journalctl -b 0 | grep StatusNotifierHost:

May 20 11:47:40 bdw-desktop kded5[4950]: Registering
"org.kde.StatusNotifierHost-7801" as system tray

Output of

pid,start,command:  4950 11:47:13 kded5


ITEM:      :1.39/org/ayatana/NotificationItem/pasystray
PID STAT: 10242 11:47:17 /usr/bin/pasystray
ID:        pasystray
TITLE:     pasystray

ITEM:      :1.27/StatusNotifierItem
PID STAT:  8267 11:47:16 /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libexec/DiscoverNotifier
ID:        Discover Notifier_org.kde.DiscoverNotifier
TITLE:     Updates

ITEM:      :1.40/StatusNotifierItem
PID STAT:  9544 11:47:16 /usr/bin/korgac
ID:        KOrganizer Reminder Daemon
TITLE:     KOrganizer Reminder Daemon

ITEM:      :1.57/StatusNotifierItem
PID STAT: 10310 11:47:17 /usr/bin/kmix --keepvisibility
ID:        KMix
TITLE:     Volume Control

ITEM:      :1.59/StatusNotifierItem
PID STAT:  8779 11:47:16 /usr/bin/keepassxc
ID:        KeePassXC
TITLE:     KeePassXC

ITEM:      :1.63/StatusNotifierItem
PID STAT:  7797 11:47:15 /usr/bin/xembedsniproxy
ID:        Private Internet Access
TITLE:     Private Internet Access

ITEM:      :1.64/StatusNotifierItem
PID STAT:  7797 11:47:15 /usr/bin/xembedsniproxy
ID:        hp-systray
TITLE:     hp-systray

ITEM:      :1.60/org/ayatana/NotificationItem/Skype1
PID STAT:  9376 11:47:16 /usr/share/skypeforlinux/skypeforlinux
--executed-from=/home/bdw --pid=
ID:        Skype1
TITLE:     skypeforlinux

ITEM:      :1.53/org/ayatana/NotificationItem/Slack1
PID STAT: 10219 11:47:17 /usr/lib/slack/slack
ID:        Slack1
TITLE:     slack

ITEM:      :1.98/StatusNotifierItem
PID STAT: 20889 11:47:46 /usr/bin/kalarm --tray
ID:        KAlarm
TITLE:     KAlarm

ITEM:      org.kde.StatusNotifierItem-20918-1/StatusNotifierItem
PID STAT: 20918 11:47:46 /usr/NX/bin/nxclient.bin --monitor --pid 4910
ID:        NoMachineMonitor
TITLE:     NoMachineMonitor

ITEM:      :1.118/StatusNotifierItem
PID STAT:  7801 11:47:15 /usr/bin/plasmashell
ID:        Plasma_microphone
TITLE:     Microphone

ITEM:      org.kde.StatusNotifierItem-30735-1/StatusNotifierItem
PID STAT: 30735 12:02:48 /opt/google/chrome/chrome
ID:        Error: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.UnknownMethod Method "Id" with
signature "" on inte
rface "org.kde.StatusNotifierItem" doesn't exist
TITLE:     Error: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.UnknownMethod Method "Title" with
signature "" on i
nterface "org.kde.StatusNotifierItem" doesn't exist

The above error is from the Google Hangouts Chrome extension so we can
disregard that.

I'm now convinced that it was a problem with data corruption on the hard drive
that was causing this behavior.  I had issues with KDE not saving my settings
and other oddities.  The fact that I had the same issues with test accounts
confirmed it, and there were zero problems with KDE Neon running on VirtualBox

Clonezilla ran fsck on the original hard drive before cloning and it corrected
some errors.  All the data on the new drive is from the original and there are
no problems whatsoever. :)

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