--- Comment #1 from Nazar Kalinowski <> ---
I might be interested in implementing this, but there is a (design) problem.
The spinbox that is used to handle the input for a line number to go to
currently has a limit of [1; lastline]. In order to implement this feature we
will have to make it [-lastline; lastline] (e.g. from negative to positive).
The problem with that is that 0 is allowed now, and we will have to decide what
to do if 0 is selected. I see two options:
1. Go to 1 line (which is bad because "goto 1" and "goto 0" are now the same
things, which is confusing).
2. Display some error (which is also bad, because we allow to choose 0 in the
spinbox when it's actually an error condition).
Thoughts on this?

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