--- Comment #3 from ---

I read somewhere that application which do not come from the M$ Store has
limited system access with restriction.

The ultimate solution is to build push the application to the store officially.

The problem for now: KDE binary build system with MSVC do not work, even if
Windows CI from KDE work as expected. System are different, with separated
config and of course the most important target build do not work, with digiKam.
My investigation results: it's a too long build path problem on the binary
build system. I tried to advance on this problem with the KDE team, but, nobody
is interested to work on it, as usual...

I explored other huge KDE application to see if a difference can be seen
somewhere in CMakeLists.txt files with compilation rules. Nothing special,
but... Krita project i seen that MXE still in use to build target. The
application is also published to the M$ Store, so, it's possible to backprocess
MXE build with MSVC to make the UWP container to publish officially.

The rules are here for Krita:

This is definitively the right way to go in the future...


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