--- Comment #15 from Nate Graham <> ---
Git commit 1434257972de28f183e701cb7da3bd333fa71f3c by Nate Graham.
Committed on 02/08/2020 at 14:52.
Pushed by ngraham into branch 'master'.

Add functions to save and restore window positions on non-Wayland platforms

These functions allow an application to save and restore the positions
of its windows. Positions are stored on a per-screen-arrangement basis.

For example with a single screen connected, the config file would have
entries like this in it:

eDP-1 XPosition=140
eDP-1 YPosition=340

When a second screen is connected, the following gets saved:

eDP-1 HDMI-1 XPosition=3878
eDP-1 HDMI-1 YPosition=29

This ensures that each separate screen arrangement can have its own
saved window position, which is handy for the use case where you have a
laptop that you plug into an external screen some of the time. It also
allows the position to get restored to the correct screen when there are
multiple screens.

This is a necessary first step to getting KDE apps to save their window
positions on X11 The next step would be calling the new functions from
KXMLGui and Kirigami apps, and then porting all apps that manually invoke
KWindowConfig::saveWindowSize() and KWindowConfig::restoreWindowSize()
to also invoke KWindowConfig::saveWindowPosition() and
KWindowConfig::restoreWindowPosition() in the same places.

The functions only work on X11 or other non-Wayland platforms. On
Wayland, the compositor has sole dominion over window positioning so a
compositor-specific solution much be adopted instead, such as

M  +58   -0    src/gui/kwindowconfig.cpp
M  +27   -0    src/gui/kwindowconfig.h

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