--- Comment #25 from Duncan <> ---
Script update: TLDR: More pieces for the script falling in place. 

1) xdotool windowmap/windowunmap <winid> seems more direct than the wmctrl
positioning I mentioned in the last update.

2) Based on #1, for the actual operation using a preset winid ($panel) and
using xwininfo -id $panel | grep 'Map State:" will yield "Map State:
IsViewable" or "Map State: IsUnMapped.  That state can then be the condition
for the xdotool windowmap/windowunmap toggle.

3) Dependencies:  Looks like xdotool and xwininfo.  Also grep and coreutils
(for cut) but they should be part of core system and thus already installed on
most distros.  The script will be bash and will probably use some bash-specific
functionality, so dash, etc, may not work unless someone else wants to modify
and post a version for that.  Not wmctrl as xdotool seems more elegant for
this, and probably not xprop as it appears xwininfo exposes what I need more
directly, tho I won't be able to say for sure on that until the window match
code comes a bit more into focus (I've just been selecting manually for
experiments to this point).

4) Played with xdotool behave_screen_edge a bit.  Unfortunately it doesn't
appear to work on "interior" edges.  Additionally, since xdotool doesn't have
builtin conditionals the edge-trigger would have to invoke (xdotool) exec on a
script with the conditional, with the exec being run using the blogging --sync
option as without that xdotool has a bug in that it doesn't harvest process
zombies after execution, which is fine for an immediate job and terminate, but
with a long-running xdotool behave_screen_edge they just pile up. =:^(

5) So the behave_screen_edge thing will have to be separate from the hide/show
script in any case, which means people can use whatever launcher they want,
hotkey-invoked, third-party launcher (I may use gkrellm's launch feature here,
it's between that and hotkey-invoked), or xdotool behave-screen-edge.  Too bad
plasma's native screen-edge triggering can't be configured to launch arbitrary
executables, only kwin-native stuff like window-switcher, cube, etc, or that'd
likely replace the xdotool behave_screen_edge option as a more native approach.

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