--- Comment #3 from Hugo <> ---
As I'm working on a calc sheet as a workaround, I'm also considering this :
there could be 2 types of amounts in each account / categorie : the amount of
the account / categorie itself AND the cumulative amount of all sub accounts /
categories of each of them.

This sounds great to me :

Example :

Account : amount / cumulative ammount

Assets : 0 / 101,000

Buildings : 0 / 100,000
Building 1 : 10,000 / 10,000
Building 2 : 90,000 / 90,000

Money : 0 / 1,000
Check account : 500 / 500
All saving accounts : 0 /1,000
saving account 1 : 500/ 500
saving account 2 : 500 / 500
Credit card : - 500 / -500

(assuming that credit card has been set as a sub-asset with a negative value,
and not as a liability)

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