--- Comment #4 from David Chmelik <> ---
I'm unsure which things were made titles that normally aren't but sound most
odd that way.  Besides my examples of categories in kicker menu &
systemsettings (development, education, games, graphics, Internet (exception,)
multimedia, office, science & mathematics, settings, system, utilities, lost &
found, help, power & session, appearance, workspace, personalization, network,
hardware, system administration, and many sub-categories,) most the user
folders (desktop, documents, downloads, videos, pictures, music,) categories in
dolphin (places, remote, recent, search for, devices, subcategories but
autostart is done right) and most buttons... on menus, I consider it okay as
letters are underlined.  I wouldn't call a random category/place/device full of
random things (even if some have titles) to be a title in itself, nor recents &
'search for ____' or an 'okay' button, or an unnamed network to be entire
section headings... maybe one of these last three is a 'worst offender' but
it's hard to tell.  I could make an argument for most the 'titled' things.

I realize the categories kicker & systemsettings probably had people work on
separate components or markup areas, and they may consider those titles in
themselves... but really, the main creative/titled works there are specific KDE
programs, and the entire systemsettings program.  Nevertheless,
/usr/[local\/]bin, /usr/[local\/]sbin have specific creative works but
programmers tend to not capitalize things there.

I know most people would find that not overdoing titling would start to look
weird, because they forgot how proper nouns worked before the GUI desktop PC
era... but I think a few people would like the change.

I renamed all my categories in Kicker menu and Dolphin, so maybe that's enough
for me... just I end up doing that on almost every installation.

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