--- Comment #10 from Luigi Toscano <> ---
Just for future reference: I've tested a few themes (Qt 5.15.1,
qt5-style-plugin 5.0.0+git, Plasma 5.19.5) and I've found out that:

The & is visible with MS Windows 9x, Fusion, cde and motif .

It does work as expected on Breeze, Oxygen, QtCurve, plastique, gtk,
cleanlooks, adwaita.

I'm not sure whether MS Windows 9x is part of Qt or not, in that case the bug
should be probably RESOLVED UPSTREAM, but the main point is that it's not on
KDE side.

Fusion being broken is a bit worrying, as it's shipped with Qt.

Just for reference, if you are looking for a classing Windows look, you may try
some modern themes (in terms of development) like
(I haven't tested it)

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